Athlete registration is now open!

Registering student athletes:
Select "Team Roster” in navigation bar.

Click the Add A Team Member To Roster button to add student to the team roster.

PREVIOUS STUDENT ATHLETES: Student athletes that have previously participated on your team will be listed and defaulted to checked to add to the registration roster. You may uncheck those who you don’t want added to your roster including graduated seniors and those who will not be participating this spring. Click the Add Selected Members to Roster button to add the selected athletes.

NEW STUDENT ATHLETES: To add a new student to your roster, locate the add new member form at the bottom of the “Team Roster” page. Complete the form and click the Add New Member button to add that athlete to roster.

When a student is added to the roster, an email is automatically sent to the parent/legal guardian email address notifying them that they have been added to a roster. This email includes registration details and a link to the team registration website. Registrants will verify/edit the athlete profile information that populates TMS team roster profiles. Online registration is REQUIRED for all student athletes to be completed before the registration deadline. View the registration and payment status of team members by selecting “Team Roster”.

If the Parent/Legal Guardian does not receive the email, verify the email address in the member profile is correct. Select red RESEND link to resend email. If the family does not receive the second email, use a different email address by entering it in the RESEND option located in the “Team Roster” page.

Deadline is 3/15/18 at midnight CDT. All unpaid (if student athlete League registration fee payment is selected) and unregistered students will be removed from the team roster. League registration fee payment options cannot be changed after selected.

Additional TMS features coming soon!
As the season progresses, you’ll be able to submit scores, view team scoring reports, and register for year-end events.

Firearm safety certification requirements.
All student athletes must have a state-issued hunter education certificate or the League's SAFE certification to participate. Parents/Legal Guardians can submit safety certification documentation during registration. Firearm safety certification can also be updated through the Team Management System through the athlete profile located on the Team Roster page. Students cannot participate in any team-related shooting activities until documentation of completed firearm safety certification is included in TMS. Students that have not have the proper firearm safety certification documentation in TMS will be removed from the roster at the beginning of the season's Reserve Week.

TMS User Access:
Head Coaches are responsible for managing TMS login information in a secure and trusted manner. All TMS information is private and may not be shared with unauthorized users. Parents/Legal Guardians do not have access to student athlete profiles after registration. Changes to student athlete profiles must be done through TMS.


Before anyone may register to participate in clay target events and competitions (collectively “Events”) overseen by the (“League”), the following terms, conditions and consents must be agreed upon. Please read this form carefully, as it is a legal document and affects your rights. All boxes must be checked indicating the specific provision has been read and agreed to before anyone may participate in League Events. In the event of any conflict between this Agreement or any other policies or procedures or rules and regulations of the League, this Agreement shall govern.

As a member, athlete, coach, staff, volunteer and/or family member of an athlete (collectively hereafter “Team”) I hereby agree that, as a condition to participating in League Events, I agree, and the Team, agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. I declare that I have read and fully understand this Agreement. By submitting this registration form, I agree that all of the provisions of this Agreement are binding upon me and that I will be responsible to ensure the Team also follows the terms herein.


I agree that only registered students in good standing with their school (‘Athletes”) may participate on the team in Events overseen by the League. No Athlete will be considered registered until the student (and his/her parent or guardian if the student is under 18) has accurately completed and submitted a separate Athlete Participation Agreement with the League, which has been approved by the League.

I understand and agree that participation in League Events is a privilege not a right. I and the Team agree to abide by and support the League. I and the Team agree to ensure that all rules and procedures adopted and established by the League are strictly followed by the Team. I and the Team shall ensure that its representatives, coaches, volunteers, Athletes and family members of Athletes also abide by and support all the rules and procedures adopted and established by the League. The League at its discretion, has the right to suspend myself, Team or any Athlete from participation in Events or permanently remove myself, an Athlete or Team from the League, based upon conduct, behavior, or actions of the Team, whether done by myself, a member, coach, staff, volunteer, athlete, or family member of an athlete.

I and the Team further understand the need for consistent and uniform compliance with League Event rules and acknowledges the necessity for the League to establish rules and procedures for such Events. I and the Team further acknowledge and agree that we will abide by all rules, policies and procedures related to participation in League Events, as may be amended from time to time.

I hereby confirm that I have read all of the Team eligibility requirements identified in the League’s rules and procedures and represent that the Team satisfies these eligibility requirements. I further confirm that I and the Team will follow all League rules and policies in order to be eligible to participate in League Events. I understand that once I sign this eligibility statement on behalf of myself and the Team, all eligibility rules apply during the Team’s participation in the League.

I understand the League’s first and foremost priority is safety. I and the Team agree that we will enforce the League’s safety standards at all times. The coaches, staff, Athletes and their family members and volunteers of the Team will behave as positive role models, respect the goals of the League, and reinforce the character values of good sportsmanship, teamwork, and self-discipline. The Team and Athletes will refrain from interfering with other teams, shooters, or coaches. I understand that unsportsmanlike behavior by myself, an Athlete, Team, its coaches, or volunteers may result in myself, the Team or Athlete being suspended, disqualified or removed from the League, without notice or a hearing of any kind.

I and the Team know and understand that there are risks and dangers associated with the use of firearms, including serious bodily injury, death and property damage. I and the Team agree (i) to assume all risks, inherent or otherwise, that may occur due to, arise out of or be in connection with the Team and its Athlete’s participation in League Events, including without limitation the risk of serious bodily injury, death and property damage; and (ii) to assume all risks, inherent or otherwise, that may occur due to, arise out of or be in connection with the participation of others in the League, including without limitation other competitors; instructors/coaches; staff or volunteers of League, League Sponsors, or the Team’s school districts, any League sponsors, the State high school athletic association; and audience members or spectators.

Please be advised that it is not possible to list all of the activities and related risks that a Team may encounter by participating in the League. There may be risks that are not known to Team, or to other Athletes of the League, or the staff or volunteers, the Team’s school districts, League sponsors, or the State high school athletic association, and may not be foreseen or reasonably foreseeable by anyone at this time or at the time of the activities in which Athlete participates.

I and the Team further covenant and agree to hold the League and the Released Parties described below harmless from any liability and agree to release, waive, indemnify, and discharge the League, League Sponsors, the Team’s school districts, and the State high school athletic association, and each of their respective directors, officers, employees, agents or volunteers (collectively, “Released Parties”), from any and all claims, demands, actions, suits, proceedings, liabilities, damages, losses, judgments and expenses (including reasonable attorney’s fees and costs) that the Team may suffer, directly or indirectly, due to, or arising out of or in connection with Team’s participation or conduct (negligent or otherwise) in the League or the conduct (negligent or otherwise) of other teams, coaches, volunteers, or athletes in the League, including without limitation, the conduct (negligent or otherwise) of the Released Parties.

To the fullest extent allowed by law, I and the Team jointly and severally agree to defend, indemnify and hold the League, League Sponsors, the Team’s school district, and the State high school athletic association, and each of their respective directors, officers, employees, agents or volunteers, harmless from and against any and all claims, demands, actions, suits, proceedings, liabilities, damages, losses, judgments and expenses (including reasonable attorney’s fees and costs) by third parties (including team’s coaches, volunteers and athletes) for any bodily injury, death or property damage or other incident occurring due to, arising out of or in connection with Team’s participation or conduct (negligent or otherwise) in the League Events.

I and the Team grant to the League, League Sponsors, the Team’s school district, and the State high school athletic association permission to reproduce, publish, distribute, or otherwise use in any reasonable manner Team’s name, photograph, likeness and statements in connection with the promotion of the League, in all media, including without limitation, the internet, news articles, advertisements or other electronic or print materials. I and the Team further covenant not to sue and agree to waive, release and discharge the League, League Sponsor, the Team’s school districts, and the State high school athletic association, and all of their respective directors, officers, agents, employees and volunteers, from and against any and all claims, demands, action, suites, proceedings, liabilities, damages, losses, judgments and expenses (including reasonable attorney’s fees and costs) arising out of or in connection with the use of Team or its Athlete’s name, photograph, likeness and statements, including, without limitation, any and all claims for invasion of privacy, publicity, defamation and/or portrayal in a false light, copyright infringement and any claims and/or demands for compensation or royalties.

This Agreement between myself, the Team and the League, shall be governed by, and be construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of Minnesota. Any litigation commenced by the myself, the Team or the League concerning the activities of myself or the Team in the League, a dispute arising between a Team and the League regarding any matter, or related to the enforcement of this Agreement shall be venued in any court within Hennepin County, Minnesota, Fourth Judicial District (the “Selected Court”). In the event that any provision of this Agreement shall be held as void or unenforceable by the Selected Court, such holding shall not affect, impair, or invalidate the remainder of this Agreement, which shall continue to be valid and enforceable and remain in full force and effect. The League shall be entitled to recover from myself and Team all its attorney’s fees and costs incurred due to any claim, dispute, or action, whether or not a court action is filed.

I and the Team agree that personally identifiable information of Athlete (Data) will only be viewed by the authorized manager of Team via the League Team Management System. Team will not provide access, copy, share or otherwise disseminate Data inconsistent with the Athlete’s right to privacy.

I acknowledge that the electronic signature confirms that I have read and reviewed the information contained in this entire Agreement. I also acknowledge that this electronic signature has the same legal effect, validity, and enforceability as an original signature on a non-electronic form.


Clay Target Leaderboard Instructions

Up-to-the-minute standings are available by selecting the following options from the dashboard above:

  • Tournament Date/Report - Select the tournament date and report that you would like to view and click the GO button

Trap High Gun - Novice Female


Thank You to our Sponsors

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